Medical Screening:
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of medical screening?
The purpose of medical screening is the early detection of disease. The screening provided by WHPP focuses on diseases related to workplace exposures to hazardous materials.

What are the specific goals of the WHPP medical screening?
Our medical screening program has five main goals:

  1. To detect and treat occupational diseases early in their course
  2. To help people understand the risks of their work-related exposure(s) and how to protect their own health
  3. To learn more about where and when significant work-related exposures occurred at the participating WHPP sites in order to target and refine the medical screening process
  4. To help former workers get workers' compensation and other benefits to which they are entitled
  5. To help scientists learn how to help other workers in the future

What is included in the medical screening?
Each eligible participant will be offered a choice of local clinics where his or her medical screening will be done.  Once the appointment is scheduled at the selected clinic, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire about your occupational and medical history.  A physician will review the questionnaires and conduct a physical examination.  Each participant will also be offered a chest x-ray, hearing test (audiogram), breathing test (pulmonary function test), and blood and urine tests.  All of your medical records will then be sent to Queens College where they will be reviewed by a physician with expertise in occupational medicine.

How will I get the results of the medical screening tests?
WHPP will mail you your results letter within several months following your medical screening examination. If there are any urgent findings on any of your tests, you will be contacted immediately and recommendations for follow-up will be provided to you. You are welcome to call us toll-free at
1-888-241-1199 with any questions regarding your medical screening results.

What happens if I have a health problem that is detected through
the medical screening?

If your medical screening results suggest that you need additional medical care, WHPP will recommend the appropriate follow-up care. If you have an occupational condition, the WHPP “Ground Team” can also help you to apply for workers' compensation. The WHPP program does not pay for any medical follow-up of conditions identified in the screening program.

Will the results be confidential?
You will receive the results of your medical tests. If you give us written permission, WHPP will also send a copy of the results to your personal physician. Your results will be kept in electronic or paper form and will be stored in locked file cabinets at our office in New York. This data will be accessible only to the program director, Steven Markowitz MD, and the WHPP program staff. All public reports of results will be in a group format, that is, in a manner in which individuals cannot be identified.

How will I benefit from having a medical screening?

You will learn more about health problems that you may have as a result of having worked at a DOE facility.
  You will have a free medical exam targeting health risks that may have been caused by your work at a DOE facility.
  You will help current workers. The occupational risks that we will identify through the medical screening can then be used to help target and reduce further risks among current workers.

What if I cannot travel to one of the participating medical facilities?
If you no longer live near or are unable to travel to one of the local screening facilities, you may be able to participate in your local community through the DOE-sponsored National Supplemental Screening Program. Please call us for further information, toll-free at 1-888-241-1199.

How do I sign up for a free medical screening?
To schedule an appointment for your free medical screening, simply call WHPP toll-free at 1-888-241-1199. If you are a former Mound worker please call 1-877-866-6802 to schedule your appointment. If you worked at Y-12 or at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, you should call 1-800-906-2019.  Also you can call us if you would like to ask us more questions about the program. You can also call us to ask more questions about the program.

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